Dhiredra Bhenwal

How did you venture into the online gaming space? Which online games do you play regularly? What gaming platforms do you primarily use? (PC, console, mobile) How many hours do you typically spend gaming each week?
My journey in the gaming industry started as a hobby then became a passion when I was in school and visiting the local gaming cafe for gaming boosted the competitive nature of it all. Hence it became a part of my life and still after more than 12yrs now, games are a vital part of my daily life. I prefer to play games from all genres and platforms. I still spend about 80hrs+ gaming every week.
For how many years have you been playing online games?
15 years
What are your educational qualifications?
HSC - Maharashtra Board
What skills do you think are required to play online games?
As far as gaming is concerned what you require first is the dedication and the competitive nature to be able to excel in a given game. Skills can be acquired along the way of doing so.
Does playing online game form part of your daily life? is it a part of your livelihood?
Online games aren't a part of my livelihood, yet. Yes, I do have plans for it. But of course that doesn't stop me from playing games daily.
What are your preferred kind of online games? What factors do you consider before putting money into any online game?
I love to play all game genres but I usually find myself playing DotA2 which is MOBA and in FPS I like to play Valorant and Overwatch2. I'd only consider spending my money into an online game when I see attractive cosmetic and/or services which help you strategically in-game.
What skills are required to succeed in an online gaming tournament?
Dedication and the mindset to play as a team.
Have you ever experienced financial fraud or scams related to online gaming? What measures do you think should be implemented to prevent financial exploitation in online gaming?
Yes! I believe the lack of information on the subject is to be blamed for.
Community Engagement: Do you actively participate in gaming communities or forums? How important do you think community engagement is for the online gaming community?
Yes! I do actively participate in gaming communities, not only limited to my favorite games but also others as well. On a scale of 1-10 I think 10 (with 10 being the highest of value with regards to engagement) should always be considered, meaning community engagement is very important. Feedback from the players who are actually playing the game, raises questions and suggestions which will eventually help TOs and the game company (game devs) in making the overall game experience exciting and fun to play.
What do you think about addiction and dependency on online gaming?
Well, I believe that one should pursue gaming only if they're good at it. Gaming as a profession is more of skill based which you can only achieve if enough time is given to it. As one grows old there are chances that those skills might drop and hence leaving you with no income from other sources if you've dropped out of your education.
Are you aware of the existing laws and regulations related to online gaming in your country? Do you think there should be more regulations to protect gamers' rights and safety online?
Yes, I'm aware about the laws which exists, but not thoroughly. As per my knowledge (being a part of League Operations of the largest esports ORG in SA) there is no difference between national and international rules when it comes to game integrity and player protection. Although I do think there should be more rules added to the safety and rights of players.
If there is one thing about the online gaming industry you can convey to the government, what would it be?
As we all know Mr.Modi is already aware of it from the meme which was circulated (which said - 'Ye PUBG wala haina?'). It's high time the Indian gov started taking interest in the industry and HELP the players and specially the TOs to bring in more business opportunities in the country, thus helping the industry grow from the grassroot level and inspiring more players to join in.

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