The EWA Centre Blog invites contributions in the following categories:

  • Comments on contemporary legal developments at the intersection of law and technology– including topical issues, recent judgments, and legislative changes.
  • Book reviews engaging with recent literary works
  • Responses to articles previously published in the print journal or on the EWA Centre Blog
Submissions are accepted from the website only.
  • The author must create a free account with EPWA in order to submit his/her article.
  • Articles must be between 700-2,500 words. However, this is flexible, based on the quality of the piece.
  • Authors must use links rather than citations for references. Open access sources are preferable compared to those behind paywalls. Substantial footnoting is permitted, but to be used sparingly.
  • A blog post may be co-authored by a maximum of 3 authors.
  • Authors must ensure that their chosen theme/arguments have not already been substantially covered in past articles or contemporary discourse. However, this does not apply to responses or differing perspectives on existing content.
  • All manuscripts submitted to the EWA Centre Blog must be original and must not have been published elsewhere.
  • In case the author has more questions please write at
Editorial Process
  • We accept contributions to the EWA Centre Blog on a rolling basis.
  • We aim to respond to blog submissions within two weeks of receiving them.
  • In case of articles on very recent developments which may lose novelty or relevance within days, authors may request an expedited review by adding the words “Expedited” in the subject line. Such articles shall be reviewed within three days.

Please note that submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be rejected without review.

Support the Tribe!

We started accepting donations as a publicly registered non-profit in January 2021. We are pleased to offer you the option of making payments with the help of Razorpay.

Please review our donation terms and conditions. Currently, we only accept donations from Indian citizens, through an Indian bank or card. For any further queries please contact us on