Dr. Sunidhi Garg

How did you venture into the online gaming space? Which online games do you play regularly? What gaming platforms do you primarily use? (PC, console, mobile) How many hours do you typically spend gaming each week?
I started gaming when i was around 9-10 years old. My elder brother was big on gaming and we used to own a Pc and PS-3. Started off on games like god of war, assassins creed. Now i primarily game on a PC, well its a laptop but it does the job. I spend about 4-5 hours gaming daily.
For how many years have you been playing online games?
Over 10 years.
What are your educational qualifications?
I have a bachelors in dental surgery. Still exploring options for masters.
What skills do you think are required to play online games?
This is subjective and highly depends on the game in question and what the player is expecting from the game.
Does playing online game form part of your daily life? is it a part of your livelihood?
Its a huge part of my everyday life. It takes up space mentally, emotionally. I seek gaming as an escape on tough days. It doesn’t meet my financial expectations but i’m grinding everyday to reach a point where it does. im positive.
What are your preferred kind of online games? What factors do you consider before putting money into any online game?
I used to play RPGs as a teenager which has now switched to FPS games. I also enjoy fun party games or console motion control games.Before putting money into an online game, i consider the time i spend on it and the value and benefits it’d bring to my gameplay.
What skills are required to succeed in an online gaming tournament?
Good comms, teamwork, good attitude for acceptance of criticism, ability to stay calm in stressful situations, not stressing out one’s teammates.
Have you ever experienced financial fraud or scams related to online gaming? What measures do you think should be implemented to prevent financial exploitation in online gaming?
I’ve seen my friends go through it while selling their accounts. I have no input as to how it can be fixed. As for valorant, they should implement a system of selling or trading skins, that would mean lesser people looking to sell accounts and lesser scams.
Community Engagement: Do you actively participate in gaming communities or forums? How important do you think community engagement is for the online gaming community?
Im really big when it comes to engaging with the gaming community. I try to do AMAs on my stories and sub games to engage with my community. it helps in everyone staying up and to date and forming more connections. its very important for gamers to have others’ backs.
What do you think about addiction and dependency on online gaming?
I think its a very real thing and people often go into denial when its brought up. It personally happened with me too. First step is acceptance. It gets better from there.
Are you aware of the existing laws and regulations related to online gaming in your country? Do you think there should be more regulations to protect gamers' rights and safety online?
Im not aware.
If there is one thing about the online gaming industry you can convey to the government, what would it be?
Consider esports and gaming as a real career option so the new youth growing up, wanting to pursue it isn’t suppressed.
Are there any tournaments you have won or gaming achievements you would like to share with us ?
My team placed first in Athena’s, Runner up in a tournament organised by Zest Esports, Vct game changers and a lot of other tournaments and college tournaments i dont remember names of, i apologise. I was top 8 India in Global Esports Phoenix Girls roster 2023.

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