Zerah Angela Gonsalves

How many years have you spent in the esports industry as a professional and what is your current role?
I have worked in the eSports and gaming industry for 10 years in multiple roles, started of as a player and then overtime I moved towards towards to role of an esports analyst. Over the time I have also spent time mentoring other novice esports players, shout casting, anchor and commentators. I am currently the CEO of League of Extraordinary Gamers (LXG). LXG is a leading professional esports organisation and also founders of state-of- the-art esports gaming arena franchise operating in India. I also volunteer my time at EPWA to build a more interactive and aware online gamers community as their esports representative.
What did you study in high school and college, did you always want to take this professional path?
I studied bachelor’s in computer applications while in college. To further establish my interest in gaming and game design I also did a diploma in game designing.
What online games do you play and how much time do you dedicate to your practice?
I love playing multiplayer online batter arena games like Dota 2, League of Legends, Valorant etc. Even today I spend about an hour playing these games. At the time of my peak performance and participation I used to spend 6 hours a day.
What are the main differences, according to you between playing certain games online v. offline ?
Online gaming opens doors to people and places one is otherwise limited in when it comes to offline games. Even in terms of diversity in age/gender/ nationality, online gaming often exposes one to the whole universe while sitting in their own living room.
If you were given a chance to convey player sentiments to regulators, government, what would it be?
I would like to sincerely convey to journals that always project gaming in a negative light associated with addiction and lethargy, that they should try out some of these games and perhaps understand what we do instead of labelling us all and judging us to be addicts. One has to play games to understand how much effort and practice it requires to be good at a game. It’s truly not child’s play.
As a user, what are the few things that you feel you need player protection from when you are playing on an online portal?
As a user the first thing that comes to mind is my online safety. Cybercrime definitely being one. Secondly, protection against hate speech and safety measures for women to be more open to the online gaming industry.
Any other thoughts on skill-based online gaming as a profession and livelihood?
It’s a profession that needs to be taken more seriously and given the same respect as the traditional sports industry.

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